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  • Aethro's end of the year..and what's to come


    This year has been very interesting for us here at Aethro. We've revamped Dragon Vale to be more in-line with Veilwood and have seen some tremendous growth from that, I started working on a minecraft server (which I will go into further in a few), twitter got bought by Elon and he's now just banning everyone that doesn't follow his views... I mean really it's been one wild of a year right?


    For us at Aethro, we are continuing to enjoy Second Life and what you all build in DV and Veilwood! It's fun to log in, though I haven't logged in as much as I would like to lately, and see what you have all done, and see the pictures that come from the different locations. I'm proud of what my team has done over there, and hope you all are as well. Next year will be more contests and more events coming so keep an eye out to the notices that come across in our official group on SL, on our social media accounts, website and of course our discord. And if you need help send an IM to Aethro Resident in world and we will get back to you has fast as possible! 🙂 


    Aethro Minecraft

    We will be also implementing in a Minecraft server into our services coming in shortly. Technically, it's been running for a few months now but I haven't had a chance to really do much because the holidays came and retail life is hectic during those times. So I will be putting focus into that in January, and more so into February along with hiring a team to help promote and keep it going. 


    Grand Theft Aethro

    Another game that will probably make an appearance, because it's fun to rob people, we are looking into expanding into the world of FiveM the GTAV multiplayer expansion. I'm not sure if we will, but it's something I am looking into because of specific reasons I will get into if we actually go that way. 


    In the end, it's going to be a good year for Aethro next year, just as it has this year and we hope you all will join us in the fun! Also...all current residents of Aethro Estate will be getting a Christmas gift on xmas, just as a way to say "Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays". 🙂 




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