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  • Aethro Announcement & Forgotten server Updates

    **Aethro Announcements**

    We are pleased to welcome a new team member, @ross, to Aethro. Ross brings valuable experience and we are excited to have him on board.

    In addition, we have implemented several updates to enhance our services:

    - All servers have been upgraded to the latest version, ensuring optimal performance and security.

    - New content has been added, including wolves and armadillos, expanding the diversity of our offerings.

    - Our backend systems and plugins have received routine updates to provide a seamless and feature-rich experience for our users.

    We are committed to continuous improvement and delivering exceptional services to our community. Thank you for your ongoing support, and we look forward to sharing more exciting developments in the future.

    The Aethro Team

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    • Operations Team

    Unfortunately due to some serious issues, we are not able to release the armadillos or wolves in this update. I will be looking into the plugins to make sure this is something we can do in the future (next week or so). Thank you for your patience.

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