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  • Exciting Updates Coming to The Forgotten!


    Hey, adventurers and crafters! We're thrilled to announce a series of updates happening tonight, including a significant change that we believe will enhance your gaming experience on The Forgotten.

    Plugin Updates

    As part of our ongoing commitment to provide you with the best possible gaming environment, we're updating all plugins to their latest versions tonight. This routine maintenance ensures that everything runs smoothly and introduces new features and fixes.

    Farewell to mcMMO, Hello Heroes!

    After much consideration, we've decided to say goodbye to mcMMO. While it has been a valuable part of our community, providing enjoyable additions and enhancements, we've found that it comes with its limitations.

    In its place, we're excited to introduce the Heroes plugin. This robust plugin offers a wealth of features that we're confident will bring a new level of depth and excitement to your gameplay:

    • Classes and Professions with Levels: Embark on a journey with a role that grows with you.
    • Heroes Skills & Permission Skills: Unlock powerful abilities and permissions as you progress.
    • Skill Binding & Inventory Restrictions: Customize your gameplay with skill bindings and manage your inventory strategically.
    • Alternative Health/Damage System: Experience a new way of combat and survival.
    • Party EXP Sharing & Loot Rolling: Team up with friends for shared adventures and rewards.
    • Improved Skill Framework: Enjoy a more refined skill system for an enhanced experience.
    • Mana & Stamina System: Manage your resources wisely during your quests.
    • Enhanced Help and Commands: Get the assistance and information you need with improved help features.
    • Stat/Scoreboard System & Cool-down Action Bar: Keep track of your progress and abilities efficiently.
    • Toggleable Mob Health Bars & Attributes with GUI: Gain better insight into your enemies and customize your attributes.
    • Enhanced Targeting System & Vanilla Crafting Restrictions: Engage in combat more effectively and experience balanced crafting.
    • Bonus EXP Permission Nodes & Improved Party System: Maximize your experience gains and enjoy a more cohesive party system.
    • Skill Icons + Hot Bars with Magic: Enhance your interface with intuitive skill icons and hot bars.
    • Commands on Class Change & Abstracted Class Progression: Seamlessly transition between classes and follow a unique progression path.
    • Shielding Health System: Benefit from an additional layer of protection in battles.

    We're eager to start this new chapter and will be providing more details on these features next week.

    New Address Announcement

    As we evolve into a multi-gaming company, our server address will also change to reflect our expansion. The current address, play.aethro.net, will soon serve as a landing spot for our gaming list. Stay tuned for the new subdomain announcement, which will provide direct access to The Forgotten.

    We Want to Hear From You!

    Your feedback is invaluable to us. As we embark on these exciting changes, we invite you to share your thoughts, questions, or comments. Feel free to engage with us here on our website article or join the conversation in our Discord channel.

    Thank you for being a part of The Forgotten community. We look forward to continuing this adventure together, exploring new horizons, and bringing you the best gaming experience possible.

    Stay tuned for more updates and happy gaming!

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