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  • Honey pistons and Honey XP jars added to The Forgotten!


    Lately in our path to adding more fun and quality of life additions to The Forgotten, we have added in two new systems! One is honey pistons, and the other is honeyXP bottles. 


    Honey Pistons allows you to create sticky pistons but with just honey. Allowing for players to create new machines without having to go hunt down slimes. It just requires one bottle of honey and a piston to create. honey pistons.png


    Honey XP bottles lets you save up XP, just in case you decide to drop dead somewhere out there in the wilds! To create honeyXP bottles, you will need to have a lightning rod attached to a block of lapis. Just take out your honey bottle, use it on the lightning rod and bam! Saved up XP.


    We continue to look for new addons that will expand on our adventures, and create more of a fun atmosphere for our players. If you have suggestions, please feel free to drop them off in https://www.aethro.net/forums/forum/11-suggestions-ideas/ or visit us in discord to discuss it.


    Save travels out there!

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