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    News from around Aethro
    ๐Ÿ‰โœจ Attention all Dragon Vale enthusiasts and Aethro's Estate adventurers! Hold onto your scales because we've got some fiery news to share! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿฐ
    Drumroll, please... ๐Ÿฅ The winds of change are sweeping through Dragon Vale as Aethro's Estate in Second Life is revising its guidelines to accommodate Adult content! ๐ŸŒŒโœจ But fear not, noble dragon tamers and estate dwellers, for with great change comes great responsibility! ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ๐Ÿฒ
    Let's break it down, shall we?
    ๐Ÿšซ First and foremost, let's reinforce our commitment: hate has no home here in Dragon Vale. We're all about fostering a welcoming and inclusive community amidst our majestic lands.
    ๐ŸŒณ Remember, we're nestled right by the enchanting Veilwood, a Mature rated property. So, if you're expanding your estate and brushing shoulders with our neighbors, keep their vibe in mind!
    ๐ŸŽญ Now, onto the thrill of adult-themed entertainment! Embrace the newfound freedom but honor the estate's essence. Let your creativity soar within the property's theme, or take it to the skies, a thousand units high, if you're venturing beyond the theme.
    ๐Ÿ‰ Are you bringing in breedables? Hold your dragonsโ€”approval is still required before these magnificent creatures make themselves at home!
    ๐Ÿฐ Last but not least, a timeless rule: respect others' property. Whether it's a dragon's hoard or a humble abode, mutual respect is key to our harmonious coexistence.
    ๐Ÿ—จ๏ธ Have questions bubbling up like dragon fire? Fret not! You've got options: hop onto our Discord channel [https://dsc.gg/aethro], join the in-world chat named 'Aethro,' or dispatch a message to the ever-reliable Aethro Resident.
    The winds of change bring with them an exhilarating adventure! Let's embrace this shift, harness our creative prowess, and dive into a new chapter brimming with endless possibilities! ๐ŸŒŸโœจ
    Pack your bags, polish those scales, and get ready for an epic journey through Dragon Valeโ€”where the skies are vast, the dragons soar high, and the adventure never ends! ๐Ÿ‰๐Ÿฐ๐ŸŒŒ

    Hold onto your pickaxes and diamond helmets because it's time to celebrate a whole year of epic adventures, friendship, and endless creativity at The Forgotten! ๐Ÿฐโœจ
    Can you believe it? In a universe where servers flicker like glitchy redstone, we've stood tall, providing a haven for all you fabulous folks out there. ๐ŸŒŸ While others have vanished faster than a creeper in a lightning storm, we've been crafting memories, pixel by pixel, for 365 glorious days! ๐Ÿ—“๏ธ๐ŸŽฎ
    We're not just surviving, we're thriving! Multiple dedicated servers? โœ… Survival world packed with plugins that'll make your diamond boots wobble with joy? โœจ Skywars and creative zones to let your imagination run wilder than a stampede of wild horses? ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿš€ And let's not forget our 100% pure vanilla world for that unadulterated Minecraft experience! ๐Ÿž๏ธ
    Hold up, hold up! Did someone say Xbox players, come on down? YES! ALL are welcome to join our pixelated paradise! Just add Aethro9084 as a friend and get ready to dive into the craziest, coolest, and most rainbow-tastic Minecraft journey ever! ๐ŸŽฎ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒŸ
    But wait, there's more! Get your building blocks ready because we're about to drop the news on a brand-new build contest coming your way on the 7th! ๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿ’ฐ Cash prize, anyone? Start envisioning your masterpieces now, folks! ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿฐ
    Oh, and if you haven't joined our Discord family yet, what are you waiting for? Clickety-click right here ๐Ÿ‘‰ https://dsc.gg/aethro and become part of the coolest community in the Minecraft universe! ๐ŸŽค๐Ÿค–
    For all the deets, rules, and more, check out our awesome website at https://aethro.net. We've got the lowdown on everything you need to know before diving into our realm of endless blocks and boundless fun! ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ๐ŸŒ
    Remember, it doesn't matter if you're a master architect or just starting to mine your way through this blocky worldโ€”everyone's invited! ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒˆ
    So, grab your pickaxe, put on your best enchanted gear, and let's keep this pixel party going strong at The Forgotten! Server address: play.aethro.net - available for both Bedrock and Java editions! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŒˆโœจ
    Here's to another year of epic adventures, unforgettable creations, and friendships that'll last as long as a diamond block! ๐Ÿฅ‚๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿฐโœจ #TheForgottenTurns1 #MinecraftAnniversaryMadness #PixelPioneersUnite

    Hey there, fellow adventurers, builders, and gamers extraordinaire! As we bid farewell to an epic year at Aethro, it's time to pop the digital champagne and celebrate a whirlwind of excitement, growth, and endless fun.
    ๐ŸŒŸ **The Forgotten Minecraft Server Turns 1!** ๐ŸŽ‚
    Can you believe it? It feels like just yesterday we embarked on our journey in the vast lands of Minecraft on The Forgotten server. With hearts full of enthusiasm and creativity, we set sail in January, and now, we're gearing up for an unforgettable one-year bash next month! Get your pickaxes ready because we're brewing up some fantastic events to mark this milestone. From survival adventures to skywars showdowns, creative world masterpieces, and even sneak peeks at upcoming vanilla serversโ€”there's a slice of excitement for everyone!
    ๐Ÿ  **Aethro Estate: A Home for All** ๐Ÿฐ
    Our virtual real estate at Aethro Estate has been nothing short of a hot ticket! With only four properties left for rent, we've witnessed an incredible 65% average occupancy throughout the year. Whether you built towering castles, sleek modern mansions, or cozy cottages, each property tells its own story. And guess what? We're spicing things up with upcoming events and contests, so stay tuned! Who knows, you might just become the next legendary architect of Aethro.
    ๐Ÿ›’ **Shopkeeper Shenanigans and Saturday Surprises!** ๐Ÿคนโ€โ™‚๏ธ
    Attention all shoppers! We've had some unexpected drama at the spawn in our survival worldโ€”the shopkeepers decided to take an early retirement. But fear not! New, more agreeable shopkeepers are set to grace us with their presence this Saturday. Get ready to splurge those diamonds and emeralds because these folks promise a more pleasant trading experience. No more temper tantrums, just good ol' fashioned item exchanges!
    ๐Ÿš— **GTA FiveM: On the Horizon** ๐ŸŒ†
    Hold onto your steering wheels, speedsters! While our much-anticipated GTA FiveM server was revving up for launch next month, we've decided to hit the brakes momentarily. Why, you ask? Well, the ride's not canceledโ€”just on standby. Your friendly Aethro team is doubling down on perfecting The Forgotten and sprinkling some self-improvement magic before diving into the high-octane world of GTA. Trust us, it'll be worth the wait!
    So, dear Aethro adventurers, as we wave goodbye to 2023, let's raise a digital toast to the memories made, the friendships forged, and the epic adventures yet to come in the ever-expanding universe of Aethro. Here's to a fantastic year aheadโ€”may it be filled with joy, creativity, and boundless gaming glory! Cheers to you, cheers to us, and cheers to Aethro! ๐ŸŽฎ๐ŸŒŒโœจ

    Season's Greetings, Aethro Pals! ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ
    Santa's elves must've paid a visit to our website because our staff bios are now overflowing with holiday cheer! Check out the merry makeover atย ย https://www.aethro.net/staffย and brace yourself for some jolly vibes! ๐ŸŽ‰
    Here's a sneak peek at the holiday magic we've sprinkled on our team:
    ๐ŸŒŸย Estate Manager Jezabel:ย Pro Snowball Fighter and Hot Cocoa Connoisseur โ„๏ธโ˜•๏ธ
    ๐ŸŽ Estate Support Staff Geo:ย Chief Gingerbread House Architect ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿฌ
    ๐ŸŽ… Owner Askray:ย Head Reindeer Wrangler and Sleigh Ride Enthusiast ๐ŸฆŒ๐Ÿ›ท
    ๐Ÿคถ Co-owner Jac:ย Chief Mistletoe Hangout Specialist ๐ŸŒฟ
    ๐Ÿพ Minecraft Community Manager Doglovers:ย Chief Woof Officer and Santa's Most Helpful Elf ๐Ÿถ๐ŸŽ…
    โ›„ Minecraft Senior Moderator Hetop:ย Official Snowball Fight Referee and Master of Festive Banter โ„๏ธ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ
    So, take a break from wrapping gifts and sipping eggnog to dive into the holiday spirit with our revamped bios! Wishing you all the joy and warmth of the season. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Aethro crew! ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ„โœจ

    Dear cherished community,
    It is with mixed emotions and a heavy heart that we bring you this bittersweet news. After much contemplation and consideration, we have made the difficult decision to close the doors of our beloved Resort and Lodge in Second Life. This virtual haven has been a source of joy, community, and unforgettable memories for all of us.
    ๐ŸŒ **A Journey of Unforgettable Memories**
    From the breathtaking landscapes where friendships were forged, our Second Life Resort has been a vibrant tapestry of experiences. It provided a haven for virtual explorers seeking a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of the digital world.
    ๐Ÿก **Reselling the Property - Passing the Torch**
    As we embark on this new chapter, we have decided to pass the torch to new caretakers who can continue the legacy of our virtual paradise. The property is now available for resale, providing an exciting opportunity for someone with a passion for creating immersive and welcoming virtual spaces.
    ๐Ÿ’– **Expressions of Gratitude**
    We extend our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you who has been a part of this incredible journey. Thank you for your support, creativity, and the love you've poured into making this space truly magical.
    ๐Ÿ”— **Resale Details**
    For those interested in carrying the torch forward and becoming the stewards of this enchanting virtual oasis, the property is available for resale. Feel free to reach out to us for more details, and let's ensure that this special place finds new life in the hands of passionate virtual world enthusiasts.
    For inquiries about the property resale or any other information, please send us a message here or contact Aethro Resident in-world.
    As we bid farewell to this chapter, we do so with gratitude for the memories shared and the connections made. The Resort and Lodge will always hold a special place in our hearts, and we look forward to seeing the next chapter unfold in the capable hands of its new custodians.

    ๐ŸŒŸ Exciting News, Aethro Fam! ๐ŸŒŸ
    ๐Ÿš€ The Forgotten, Aethro's beloved Minecraft server, is taking its adventure to the NEXT LEVEL! ๐Ÿš€
    Hold on to your pickaxes because we're thrilled to announce that our server has EXPANDED into a NETWORK! That's right, we've enabled BungeeCord on our systems, and the vanilla world is now a 100% vanilla experience. Dive into the depths of classic Minecraft gameplay and let your creativity run wild in this unadulterated, pure environment.
    But wait, there's more! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
    Your favorite Survival World is still here, but guess what? We've jazzed it up! Now you can not only immerse yourself in the survival challenges but also jump into the adrenaline-pumping Skywars and let your imagination soar in Creative Mode! The options are endless, and the adventures are boundless.
    And the best part? We're not stopping there! Oh no, buckle up because we're going to keep EXPANDING! ๐ŸŒโœจ
    That's right, we're cooking up even MORE worlds for you to explore, conquer, and create within. We're talking new dimensions, thrilling landscapes, and mind-bending challenges coming your way. The journey across Aethro is just getting started, and we're so excited to have you along for the ride!
    Got questions? Curious about these thrilling expansions? Don't worry, we've got you covered! Head over to our Discord community at [https://dsc.gg/aethro](https://dsc.gg/aethro) where you can chat with fellow adventurers, get all your queries answered, and stay in the loop with all the latest updates!
    So, grab your friends, gear up, and get ready to embark on an EPIC journey through The Forgotten and beyond! The adventure awaits, and it's calling YOUR name! ๐ŸŒŒโœจ See you in the world of Aethro! ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Hey everyone,
    I'm thrilled to share some fantastic news regarding our LGBTQIA+ owned Minecraft server, The Forgotten! We're constantly striving to make your gaming experience more enjoyable and inclusive, and today, we've got some exciting updates lined up for you.
    **TPA Feature for All Users**
    First off, by popular demand, we've introduced the TPA (Teleportation) feature for all our users. Whether you're exploring new biomes or teaming up with friends for an epic build, TPA will make navigating our server a breeze. Connect, collaborate, and adventure more seamlessly than ever before!
    **Holiday Build Contest**
    As the festive season approaches, we're getting into the spirit with a special holiday-themed build contest starting this Saturday. Show off your creativity and holiday cheer by constructing your most dazzling, imaginative builds. Whether it's a winter wonderland, a cozy holiday cottage, or a festive village, let your imagination run wild! Amazing prizes await the most impressive and imaginative creations.
    Join us on The Forgotten Minecraft server as we celebrate the holidays with enthusiasm, camaraderie, and, most importantly, creativity! Don't miss out on the chance to participate in our new build contest and explore the enhanced features with TPA now available for all users.
    Spread the word, invite your friends, and let's make this holiday season on The Forgotten truly unforgettable!
    Happy crafting!


    Server update Dec 2nd 2023

    By Paul, in Minecraft,

    ๐ŸŽ‰ Attention, fellow Minecrafters of The Forgotten server! ๐ŸŽ‰
    ๐Ÿš€ Hold onto your pixelated hats because we're about to dial up the FUN! The server is taking a quantum leap into the future with some EPIC updates! ๐Ÿ”ฎโœจ
    ๐ŸŒŸ Get ready for an absolute plugin party with our latest updates:
    ๐Ÿ”ง CMI - Because who doesn't love those extra commands to spice up the gameplay?
    ๐ŸŒ„ Lands - Claim your territory and rule it like a true pixel monarch!
    ๐Ÿ”„ UpgradableHoppers - Hoppers leveling up?! Minecraft tech just got a turbo boost!
    ๐ŸŽ Crazy Crates - Unleashing a pandora's box of awesomeness! What treasures await? ๐ŸŽŠ
    ๐Ÿ‘พ Brace yourselves for a whole new level of adventures, glitches (we'll fix 'em), and unforgettable moments! Join in and let's make some Minecraft magic happen! ๐ŸŒˆโœจ
    #MinecraftMadness #PluginParty #TheForgottenServerUpdates ๐ŸŽฎ

    Hello Aethro Community,
    We have some fantastic news to share with all of you! Aethro is thrilled to announce a significant upgrade to our website that will make your experience smoother and more accessible than ever before.
    Introducing Microsoft Logins!
    Now, alongside Discord, Facebook, and Google logins, we've added support for Microsoft accounts on our website. This upgrade is specifically aimed at our Minecraft players who frequent our platform for discussions, suggestions, and engaging conversations.
    Why Microsoft Logins Matter?
    For our Minecraft enthusiasts, this means a seamless transition into our community hub. You can now log in using your Microsoft account, eliminating the need for separate credentials and streamlining your access to the vibrant discussions, suggestions, and interactions that take place here.
    Diversity in Accessibility
    At Aethro, we are committed to inclusivity and accessibility. By broadening the range of login options, we aim to ensure that every member of our diverse community can easily join conversations, share their ideas, and connect with fellow gamers, regardless of their preferred authentication method.
    Join the Conversation!
    If you're a passionate Minecraft player looking to delve into discussions, offer suggestions, or simply connect with like-minded individuals, there's never been a better time to get involved. Our upgraded login options make it easier than ever to jump right into the heart of our community.
    How to Get Started?
    Signing in with your Microsoft account is a breeze! Simply head over to our website, click on the login button, select the Microsoft icon, and follow the prompts to link your account. In just a few clicks, you'll be ready to explore, engage, and contribute.
    We're incredibly excited about this enhancement to our platform and can't wait to see how it brings our community closer together. Thank you for being a part of Aethro, where diversity, inclusivity, and gaming excellence converge.
    See you online!

    The thriving world of The Forgotten Minecraft Server is buzzing with excitement as it proudly announces the addition of a new gem to its already illustrious staff - the exceptionally talented and dedicated HetXBozo! The server's community eagerly embraces this latest addition, anticipating an even richer and more engaging gaming experience under the guidance of this esteemed individual.
    With a passion for creativity and a knack for fostering a welcoming environment, HetXBozo brings a wealth of expertise and a fresh perspective to The Forgotten. Their commitment to enhancing the player experience aligns seamlessly with the server's vision of providing an immersive and enjoyable space for all.
    The arrival of HetXBozo to the staff team signifies a pivotal moment for The Forgotten Minecraft Server, heralding a new chapter filled with innovation, community engagement, and boundless possibilities. Whether it's cultivating new ideas, organizing captivating events, or ensuring a smooth and enjoyable gameplay experience, HetXBozo's dedication is poised to elevate the server to greater heights.
    We are thrilled to welcome HetXBozo to our esteemed staff. Their passion for Minecraft and commitment to fostering a vibrant community perfectly aligns with our mission. We are confident that their presence will greatly enrich our server and enhance the overall gaming experience for our players.
    As HetXBozo takes on this new role, let us extend our warmest congratulations and heartfelt welcome, wishing them every success and an unforgettable journey as they embark on this exciting chapter at The Forgotten Minecraft Server!
    Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to witness the magic unfold as The Forgotten continues its commitment to providing an exceptional Minecraft experience for its cherished community!

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