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    News from around Aethro
    With us going to 1.20 officially, a lot has also been updated. I am looking forward to trying to find some camels! XD
    World Edit has been updated to the latest version. World Guard has been updated to the latest version. Towny has been updated to 99.1.0 Discord link has been updated to the latest version. Crazy Crates has been updated to the latest version. Our sleep plugin has been updated to the latest version. Mob hunting has been added back in. Leveled Mobs has been updated to the latest version. Anti-Chat Reporting plugin has been updated to the latest version. Gardening tweaks has been updated to the latest version. Skin system updated to the latest version. Craftable Saddles has been updated to the latest version. Minepacks has been updated to the latest version. Better Farming has been updated to the latest version. Essentials has been updated to the latest version.

    Hello everyone! The forgotten, Aethros Minecraft server, is still looking for staff! 

    Server Admins:
    Responsible for assisting in the day to day operations of the server. (Does not mean you have to be online every day) Assist players in ban appeals Assist players in glitches Handle player issues. Look into billing issues with purchases from our store. Suggest plugins to be added or removed from our server. Server Moderators:
    Responsible for assisting in ban appeals Assisting players when glitches happen Handle player issues Enforce rules Run scheduled and random events. If you wish to apply, visit The Forgotten - Hiring page - Aethro and put in an application. You can also visit our discord at https://aro.lat/chat and speak to the hiring manager before applying.

    Hello everyone! On Tuesday, June 13th 2023 The Forgotten minecraft server will update to base of 1.20. We will still have the client compatibility available, so you will be able to join even if you don't update, but it's time to get our camels packed and out to the desert for some digging! All major plugins will be updated at that time, so there might be a bit of some patch notes coming, but it should be fun!
    This is just one of those "Hey i'm doing something that will change things so lemme let people know" kind of posts 😛 

    Greetings all! We have updated a few plugins, and also added a major new one.
    Crazy Enchantments was updated to fix a few bugs.
    Better Farming was updated as well to fix a few behind the scene server issues.
    We have also added Realistic Villagers!
    "By interacting with the villagers your reputation will increase. When you reach X reputation, you can give them a wedding ring to get married. Once married, you can procreate, establish the home where the villager will live and even manage their combat targets. Giving gifts is the best way to raise reputation. If you want to divorce a villager, you can do so within the main GUI, but this will reduce a large amount of reputation. To avoid this, you can ask the cleric villager for divorce papers. You can give as a gift a weapon (sword/axe/bow/crossbow) and they'll use it to defend themselves when necessary, the same with armor. This makes raids more entertaining." So get ready to get married, have kids and become the hero of your own village! More details will be added to the Forgotten wiki shortly.
    If you got questions please visit us in chat at https://aro.lat/chat 

    We have restarted the server and added a few updates:
    Lowered the number of people required to sleep to go from night to day.
    Updated Essentials to the latest version which added /renamehome so that you can rename your home locations!
    Not a major update today lol.

    Howdy folks! A few changes have occurred to our server.
    Daily rewards was removed as it was just not working as expected. A new system is being developed as we speak. Behind the scene changes for server optimization McMMO was added to give a more interesting and fun approach to how you play! You can view player stats at The Forgotten - Player Stats - Aethro

    Since it's my birthday, and I like sharing my birthday with people, we are doing TWO sales in the Estates!
    First off is a Fire sale on two properties! These properties are 25% off for the entire length of your rental! Images are below of the properties on Dragon Vale. You can view the entire roster of our properties at https://aro.lat/sl-properties and get taxi's from there as well. 
    Second, ALL properties are now rent 1 week, get the second week free! This sale will last until the end of the month so enjoy these savings! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in our Discord https://aro.lat/chat or send an in world message to aethro resident to open a ticket!
    Thank you for being with us here at Aethro! 🙂


    Update May 9th, 2023

    By Paul, in Minecraft,

    Hello all! 
    The following was changed on The Forgotten:
    The /back command has been added to all players to return to the point they died at! Making it much easier to get your stuff back. Added the following pets: Rabbit Salmon Sheep Silverfish Skeleton Skeleton Horse Spider Turtle Villager Vindicator Witch Wolf Zombie Zombie Horse Baby ocelot Baby pig Baby polar bear Baby rabbit Baby sheep Bat Blaze Cat Cave Spider Chicken Cod Cow Creeper Dolphin Donkey Drowned Enderman Endermite Evoker Fox Horse Husk Llama Magma Cube Mule Phantom Pig Pillager Polar Bear  
    Just a few new pets... 😛

    Today we are pleased to announce that we have added two new premium mods to the server! Better Farming allows you to have automated crops, making it much easier to handle some of the tedious tasks related to farming. You can purchase a Crop or Tree farm by doing /farm get crop-farm or /farm get tree-farm Please note they are not cheap, but they are well worth it!
    We also added Advanced Pets which we will be adding zombies soon as a pet to get! You can type /ps to see the available pets.


    Change Log April 19th, 2023

    By Paul, in Minecraft,

    As of this update, we have added Crazy Enhancements! Crazy Enhancements adds 80 different enchantments for you to utilize, giving a new opportunity in crafting and making money! We have also updated the Discord link to the latest edition.

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