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  • Forgotten updates March 7th 2024


    We're thrilled to announce a slew of updates and improvements to enhance your experience in the mystical world of The Forgotten! Today's updates are a mix of game enhancements, system updates, and community-requested features. Here's everything you need to know:

    Game and System Enhancements:

    - Lands Upgrade: We're elevating the Lands system to the latest edition. Expect more features, better stability, and an overall enhanced land management experience.

    - Crazy Crates: Updated to the latest version.

    - Better Farming: Farming in The Forgotten just got a lot more interesting! With the Better Farming update, you'll find improved growth mechanics and enhanced farming tools, making your agricultural endeavors more rewarding than ever.

    - Via Versions Update: We're updating our Via versions to ensure compatibility and provide a smoother gameplay experience across different versions of the game.

    - CMI Systems Overhaul: The CMI systems are getting an update as well, it's mostly back end operations.

    Community and Discord Updates:

    - Discord Hooks Adjustment: We've heard your feedback about the spam in Discord notifications. Moving forward, death notifications and alerts for players jumping in and out of servers will be minimized. We'll only announce when someone joins our community for the first time. This change aims to reduce clutter and improve your Discord experience.

    Have Questions or Feedback?

    We're all ears! If you have any questions or feedback about today's updates, feel free to post them right here or join the conversation in our Discord channel. Your input is invaluable in making The Forgotten the best it can be.


    We're incredibly excited to roll out these updates and can't wait to see how they improve your adventures in The Forgotten. Thank you for being a part of our growing community. Let the exploration begin!


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