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  • Forgotten updates network wide April 11th 2024


    Welcome to an exciting update from The Forgotten Minecraft Network, where we strive to enhance your Minecraft experience. This update brings significant changes including the removal of old plugins, introduction of new backend administrative tools, and improved Discord to Minecraft integration.

    Key Updates

    • Plugin Removal: We've streamlined our network by removing outdated plugins to make way for newer, more efficient features.

    • Backend Enhancements: We've fixed previous permission issues that limited player interactions and improved backend administration for better game management.

    • Discord Integration: Strengthening our community communication, we've enhanced the link between our Discord and Minecraft, ensuring smoother information flow and player interaction.

    Looking Ahead

    These changes not only improve current gameplay but also lay the foundation for future updates, aimed at maintaining a stable and evolving gaming environment. We are excited to see how these enhancements will shape your experiences and look forward to your feedback.

    Stay connected and join us on Discord to be part of our vibrant community. Thank you for your continued support, and happy crafting in The Forgotten Minecraft Network!

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