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  • Minecraft update log May 23rd, 2024


    Lobby Server

    Updated to 1.20.6 version of server software.


    Survival Server (now called Ironclad)

    Placeholder API: Updated to 1.20.6.

    Even More Fish: Updated to 1.20.6. Added emf next to show the time of the next competition.

    System Chat: Updated to 1.20.6.

    Leveled Mobs: Updated to the latest version. Updated some modifiers to gain more XP and rewards.

    Lands: Updated to support 1.20.6.

    Better Farming: Updated to fix spruce saplings being replaced by oak saplings, and updated to support 1.20.6.

    Upgradeable Hoppers: Updated to 1.20.6.

    Essentials: Updated to support 1.20.6.

    SlimeFun: Fully updated to the latest version. An update to our wiki will be included as well to showcase everything you can do with SlimeFun.


    Upcoming Updates


    We are currently working on our second survival server, which should be up by Saturday.

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