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  • /towny

    • /towny
        • Shows basic towny commands.
      • ? - Shows more towny commands.
      • allowedblocks - Opens a menu where you can check what blocks might be allowed to be built/destroyed in
      • itemuse - Shows the items in the item_use_ids list.
      • map - Shows the towny map.
        • hud - Activates the map in the player's scoreboard.
      • plotclearblocks - Shows the blocks deleted using /plot clear
      • prices - Shows taxes/costs associated with running a town.
      • switches - Shows the blocks in the switch_ids list.
      • time - Shows time until next new-day (tax/upkeep collection.)
      • top
        • residents {all/town/nation} - Shows top residents.
        • land {all/resident/town} - Shows top land owners.
      • spy - Admin command to spy on all chat channels
      • tree - Shows lots of stuff.
      • universe - Shows full towny stats, resident/town/nation/world counts as well as townblocks claimed.
      • v - Shows towny version.
      • wildsblocks - Shows the blocks that are usable in wilds plots, and which are allowed to be farmed in the wilderness.


    • /plot
        • Shows the /plot commands.
      • claim - Resident command to personally claims a plot that are for sale.

        • auto - Resident command to personally claim an area of plots that are for sale, around the player typing the command.
      • unclaim - Resident command to unclaim personally owned plots.

        • circle/rect - Resident command to unclaim personally owned plots in a circle or rectangle shape.
          • {# (radius around current position)} - Radius of the area to unclaim.
      • {forsale/fs} - Set a plot for sale.

        • circle/rect - Set a shape.
          • {# (radius around current position)} - Radius of the area to set forsale.
        • $$ - Cost of plot.
          • circle/rect - Set a shape.
            • {# (radius around current position)} - Radius of the area to set forsale.
      • {notforsale/nfs} - Set a plot to not be for sale.

        • circle/rect - Set a shape.
          • {# (radius around current position)} - Radius of the area to set notforsale.
      • evict - Used to remove a plot from a plot owner, usually by the mayor or assistant.

      • trust

        • add {name} - Adds a player as Trusted on the plot.
        • remove {name} - Removes a player from being Trusted on the plot.
      • perm - Shows the perm line of the plot in which the player stands.

        • gui - opens the GUI to configure the plot perm override.
        • add {name} - Adds a player to the plot perm override.
        • remove {name} - Removes a player from the plot perm override.
      • perm hud - Toggles on/off the plot perm hud scoreboard which shows the perm line of the plot in which the player stands along with more useful plot info.

      • set

        • reset - Sets a shop/embassy/arena/wilds plot back to a normal plot.
        • shop - Sets a plot to a shop plot.
        • embassy - Sets a plot to an embassy plot.
        • arena - Sets a plot to an arena plot.
        • wilds - Sets a plot to a wilds plot.
        • inn - Set a plot to an inn plot.
        • jail - Set a plot to an jail plot.
        • farm - Set a plot to a farm plot.
        • bank - Set a plot to a bank plot.
        • outpost - Set a plot to an outpost plot, costs the same as /t claim outpost.
        • name - allows a mayor or plot-owner to rename plots they own, overwriting the ~Unowned message. Personal-plots display both the plot's given name and the name of the plot-owner.
        • perm
          • {on/off} - Edits the perm line of the single plot in which the player is standing. See here for details.
          • {resident/ally/outsider} {on/off}
          • {build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off}
          • {resident/ally/outsider} {build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off}
          • reset - Resets the plot in which you stand to the default perm line of the /town or /resident screen (depending on if the plot is owned personally or by the town.)
      • toggle

        • fire - Turn on/off firespread in the plot in which you stand.
        • pvp - Turn on/off pvp in the plot in which you stand.
        • explosion - Turn on/off explosions in the plot in which you stand.
        • mob - Turn on/off hostile mobspawning in the plot in which you stand.
      • clear - Command to remove list of block id's from a plot, used by a mayor on town-owned land, or by a plot-owner on their personal plots.

      • group

        • add|new|create {groupname} - Creates a plot group where a player is standing, also adds plots to an existing group.
        • remove - Removes the plot stood in from its plot group.
        • delete - Deletes a plot group entirely.
        • rename {newname} - Renames a plot group.
        • set {plottype} - Sets the group to a specified plot type. Not able to be used for Jail plots.
        • set perm ... - Used to set the perm line of the group you are standing in. See above section for /plot set perm for remainder of commands.
        • toggle ... - Used to toggle plot settings. See above section for /plot set toggle for remainder of commands.
        • forsale|fs {price} - Set the group for sale at the set price.
        • notforsale|nfs - Set the group not for sale.
        • trust
          • add {name} - Adds a player as Trusted on the plot group.
          • remove {name} - Removes a player from being Trusted on the plot group.
        • perm
          • gui - Opens the GUI to edit the plot perm override.
          • add {name} - Adds a player to the plot perm override.
          • remove {name} - Removes a player from the plot perm override.
      • jailcell

        • add - Adds a jail cell to a jail plot, where the player is stood.
        • remove - Removes a jail cell from a jail plot, where the player is stood.


    • /resident
        • Shows a player their resident screen.
      • ? - Shows /res commands available.
      • {resident} - Shows a player another player's resident screen.
      • friend
        • add {resident} .. {resident} - Resident adds online player to their friends list.
        • add+ {resident} .. {resident} - Resident adds offline player to their friends list.
        • remove {resident} .. {resident} - Resident removes online player from their friends list.
        • remove+ {resident} .. {resident} - Resident removes offline player from their friends list.
        • clearlist - Removes all friends from a resident's friend list.
        • list - Returns a list of your friends.
      • list - Lists residents in towny's data folder who are online.
      • jail paybail - Allows a player to pay to get out of jail. Funds go to the town which owns the Jail.
      • spawn - If deny_bed_use: true and player has a current bed spawn, command will teleport player to their bed.
      • toggle
        • map - Turns on map which refreshes when moving across plot borders.
        • townclaim - Turns on mode where /town claim is automatically used when moving across plot borders.
        • plotborder - Turns on smokey plot-border view. Border shows when players cross to different townblocks.
        • constantplotborder - Turns on smokey plot-border view. Border doesn't disappear.
        • bordertitles - Turns on/off the Title messages seen when entering/leaving town, when using_titles is true in the config.
        • spy - Admins can turn on chat-channel spying.
        • ignoreplots - Turns on/off plot notifications in town.
        • reset - This turns off all modes that are active.
        • infotool - Allows an admin to use the clay brick tool to determine the Bukkit names/classes of blocks and entities.
        • adminbypass - Used to make admins play as non-admins.
      • set
        • perm
          • {on/off} - Edits the perm line on the resident screen. See here for details.
          • {friend/ally/outsider} {on/off}
          • {build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off}
          • {friend/ally/outsider} {build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off}
          • reset - This takes the perm line seen in the /resident screen and applies it to all plots personally owned by the player typing it.
      • tax {resname} - Shows taxes a player pays.
  • /town

    • /town
        • Shows a player their town's town screen.
      • ? - Shows /town commands available.

      • {town} - Shows a player another town's town screen.

      • here - Shows you the town screen of the town in which you stand.

      • leave - Leaves a town.

      • list

        • by name {page #} - order alpabetically.
        • by resident {page #} - order by town with most residents.
        • by balance {page #} - order by town with the highest nation bank balance.
        • by townblocks {page #} - order towns by how many townblocks they have claimed.
        • by online {page #} - order by how many players are online at that moment.
        • by open {page #} - lists open towns first, in order of most residents to least residents.
        • by public {page #} - lists public towns first, in order of most residents to least residents.
        • by ruined {page #} - lists ruined towns first, in order of most residents to least residents.
        • by bankrupt {page #} - lists bankrupt towns first, in order of most residents to least residents.
        • by founded {page #} - order by founded date, oldest first.
      • online - Shows players in your town which are online.

      • plots {townname} - Shows a helpful list of plots and their types/revenue which are owned by the town.

      • new {townname} - Creates a new town.

      • add {resident} .. {resident} - Mayor command to add residents to your town.

      • kick {resident} .. {resident} - Mayor command to remove residents from your town.

      • invite - Show a list of players who've been sent invites to your town.

        • sent - Show a list of players who've been sent invites to your town.
        • received - Show a list of invites your town has received from nations.
        • accept {nationname} - Accept an invite to join a nation.
        • deny {nationname} - Deny an invite to join a nation.
        • {playername} - Send an invite to a player to join your town.
      • spawn - Teleports you to your town's spawn.

      • spawn {town} - Teleports you to another town's spawn.

      • claim - Mayor command to claim the townblock in which you stand for your town.

        • outpost <#|{name}|{name:#} - Claims an outpost for your town. {name} uses the plot name. {name:#} is used when a plot name begins with a number.
        • {# (radius around current position)} - Claims an area of townblocks around you for your town.
        • auto - Claims as many townblocks around you as is possible given money in townbank and available townblocks.
      • unclaim - Mayor command to unclaim the townblock in which you stand.

        • all - Mayor command to unclaim all townblocks.
        • {# (radius around current position)} - Command to unclaim an area of townblocks around you.
        • outpost - Used to unclaim glitched outposts on MySQL Towny servers pre-
      • withdraw

        • {$} - Removes money from town bank.
        • all - Withdraws all of the money from the town bank.
      • deposit

        • {$} - Adds money from player to the town bank.
        • all - Deposits all of your money into the town bank.
        • {$} {townname} - Deposits money from player into the specified town's bank.
      • baltop {townname} - Opens a book displaying the richest players in a town.

      • bankhistory {#} - Opens a book GUI with # number of transactions listed, showing the town bank history.

      • buy

        • bonus {amount} - Buys available bonus townblocks.
      • allylist {townname} - Displays a list of allies for the Town.

      • enemylist {townname} - Displays a list of enemies for the Town.

      • delete {town name} - Admin/Mayor command to delete a town from towny's data folder's files.

      • merge {town name} - {town name} is the town which will be merged into the town owned by the mayor using the command.

      • outlawlist {town} - Displays a list of outlaws for a town.

      • outlaw {add/remove} {name} - Adds or removes an outlaw from a town's outlaw list

      • outpost

        • {# (where # equals the corresponding outpost's number)} - Teleports to an outpost.
        • {list} - lists your town's outposts.
      • plotgrouplist {townname} {page #} - Lists a town's plotgroups with forsale and price indicated.

      • purge {days} - Kicks residents from the town who have been inactive for the given number of days, exempts npcs and mayors.

      • ranklist {townname} - Displays residents and their ranks, optional townname to view another town's rank list.

      • rank {add|remove} {playername} {rankname} - Grants or removes a rank to a resident of the town.

      • reclaim - allows a resident to reclaim their ruined town.

      • reslist {townname} - See a FULL list of all residents in a town.

      • say {msg} - Broadcast a message to online town members.

      • set

        • board
          • {message} - Sets message seen by residents upon logging in.
          • none - Sets an empty board which will not be seen on login or in the /town status screen.
        • mayor {resident} - Mayor command to give mayor status to another resident.
        • homeblock - Sets the homeblock and spawn of your town.
        • spawn - Sets the town spawn, must be done inside the homeblock.
        • spawncost - Set the cost of spawning to a public town. Doesn't affect town residents, nation members and nation-allies.
        • mapcolor {color} - Sets a town's mapcolor seen in the dynmap.
        • name {name} - Change your town's name.
        • outpost - Resets the outpost's spawn point to the player location. Must be used in an existing outpost plot.
        • perm
          • {on/off} - Edits the perm line on the town screen. See here for details.
          • {resident/ally/outsider} {on/off}
          • {build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off}
          • {resident/ally/outsider} {build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off}
          • reset - This takes the perm line seen in the /town screen and applies it to all plots owned by the town.
        • tag {upto4character} - Sets the town's tag, which is sometimes used on that chat line.
          • clear - Clears the tag set for the town.
        • taxes {$} - Sets taxes collected from each resident daily. Also sets percentage if taxpercent is toggled on.
        • taxpercentcap {$} - The maximum amount that can be taken when taxpercent is enabled.
        • plottax {$} - Set taxes collected from each resident daily, per plot that they own.
        • plotprice {$} - Sets default cost of plot for the town.
        • shopprice {$} - Sets default cost of a shopplot for the town.
        • shoptax {$} - Set taxes collected from each resident daily, per shopplot that they own.
        • embassyprice {$} - Sets default cost of a embassy plot for the town.
        • embassytax {$} - Set taxes collected from each resident daily, per embassy plot that they own.
        • title {name} {titlegoeshere} - Mayor command to add a Title to a member of the town.
        • surname {name} {surnamegoeshere} - Mayor command to add a Suffix to a member of the town.
        • primaryjail - Sets your town's primary jail.
      • toggle

        • explosion - Turn on/off explosions in town.
        • fire - Turn on/off firespread in town.
        • mobs - Turn on/off hostile mobspawning in town.
        • public - Turn on/off public /town spawning and the co-ordinates of the town's homeblock in the /town screen.
        • pvp - Turn on/off pvp in town.
        • taxpercent - Turn on/off taxing by percent/flatrate.
        • nationzone - Turn on/off the town's NationZone.
        • open - Turn on/off public joining to your town.
      • join {townname} - Command to join a town that doesn't require invites.

      • jail

        • list - Shows jail number, name, coord, cellcount and which jail is the primary jail.
        • {name} - Jails the given player for 1 hour, must be a resident of your own town.
        • {name} {hours} - Jails the given player for the given hours.
        • {name} {hours} {jail} - Jails the given player for the given hours, in the given jail plot (which is a number.)
        • {name} {hours} {jail} {cell} - Jails the given player for the given hours, in the given jail plot and jail cell (which are both numbers.)
      • unjail {name} - Unjails someone in your town's jail.

      • trust

        • add {name} - Adds a player as Trusted to the entire town.
        • remove {name} - Removes a player from being Trusted by the entire town.
        • list - Displays a list of trusted players for the town.
      • trusttown

        • add [townname] - Adds an entire town as trusted in your town.
        • remove [townname] - Removes an entire town as trusted in your town.
        • list - Displays a list of trusted towns in your town.


    • /nation
        • Shows a player their nation's nation screen.
      • ? - Shows /nation commands.
      • list
        • by name {page #} - order alpabetically.
        • by resident {page #} - order by nation with most residents across all towns.
        • by balance {page #} - order by nation with the highest nation bank balance.
        • by towns {page #} - order by nation with the most towns.
        • by townblocks {page #} - order nations by how many townblocks their towns have collectively claimed.
        • by online {page #} - order by how many players are online at that moment.
        • by open {page #} - ordered by open first, number of residents second.
        • by public {page #} - order by public first, number of residents second.
        • by founded {page #} - order by founded date, oldest first.
      • online - Shows players in your nation which are online.
      • {nation} - Shows a player the /nation screen of another nation.
      • leave - Mayor command to leave the nation they are a part of.
      • withdraw
        • {$} - King command to remove money from the nation bank.
        • all - Withdraws all of the money from the nation bank.
      • deposit
        • {$} - Command to add money to the nation bank.
        • all - Deposits all of your money into the nation bank.
      • baltop {nationname} - Opens a book displaying the richest players in a nation.
      • bankhistory {#} - Opens a book GUI with # number of transactions listed, showing the nation bank history.
      • deposit {$} {townname} - King command to add money to the bank of a town who is in the nation.
      • new
        • {nationname} - Mayor command to create a nation.
      • rank - Command to set assistant/custom ranks in the nation.
      • add {town} .. {town} - Invites/Adds a town to your nation.
      • kick {town} .. {town} - Removes a town from your nation.
      • delete {nation} - Deletes your nation.
      • invite - Show a list of invites sent.
        • help - Show a list of invites sent.
        • sent - Show a list of invites sent.
        • {town} - Invites a town to a nation.
      • ally - Show a list of nation alliance invites sent.
        • add {nation} .. {nation} - Add a nation to your nation's ally list.
        • remove {nation} .. {nation} - Removes a nation from your nation's ally list.
        • accept {nationname} - Accepts an invitation to ally from another nation.
        • deny {nationname} - Denies an invitation to ally from another nation.
        • sent - Show a list of nation alliance invites sent.
        • received - Show a list of nation alliance invites received.
      • enemy
        • add {nation} .. {nation} - Add a nation to your nation's enemy list.
        • remove {nation} .. {nation} - Removes a nation from your nation's enemy list.
      • rank {add|remove} {playername} {rankname} - Grants or removes a rank to a resident of the nation.
      • say {msg} - Broadcast a message to online nation members.
      • set
        • king {resident} - King command to change the king of the nation.
        • capital {town} - Sets the capitol and king of the nation.
        • board
          • {message} - Sets message seen by residents upon logging in.
          • none - Sets an empty board which will not be seen on login or in the /nation status screen.
        • taxes {$} - Sets nationtax applied to the towns within the nation.
        • taxpercentcap - Sets the maximum amount that a town will pay in nationtax, when the nation has percent-based taxation.
        • name {name} - Sets the nation's name.
        • spawn - Sets the nation spawn point.
        • spawncost - Sets the cost of public spawns to that nation's spawn point. No effect on members of the nation or nation-allies
        • title {name} {titlegoeshere} - King command to add a Title to a member of the nation.
        • surname {name} {surnamegoeshere} - King command to add a Suffix to a member of the nation.
        • tag {upto4character} - Sets the nation's tag, which is sometimes used on that chat line.
          • clear - Clears the tag set for the nation.
        • mapcolor {color} - Sets the colour seen on the dynmap-towny webpage.
      • toggle
        • neutral - Sets whether your nation will pay daily to be neutral during towny war.
        • open - Sets the nation to be open, so that any town can join without an invite.
        • taxpercent - Turns on and off the percentage-based taxation of towns in the nation.
      • join {nation}
        • Used by a town mayor to join an open nation.
      • merge {nationname}
        • Requests the given nation to merge into your nation.
        • Can only be used by the nation king, and requires the king of the other nation to be online to accept the merger.
        • The soon-to-be-ex-king will receive a confirmation message asking if they will accept the dissolution of their nation.
        • If accepted the towns of the nation transfer to the remaining nation. The nation's bank money is also transferred.
      • ranklist {nationname} - Displays residents and their ranks, optional nationname to view another nation's rank list.
      • townlist (nation)
        • (nation) is optional, to show townlist of a nation you aren't a part of.
        • lists all towns in a nation.
      • allylist (nation)
        • (nation) is optional, to show allylist of a nation you aren't a part of.
        • lists all allies of a nation.
      • enemylist (nation)
        • (nation) is optional, to show enemylist of a nation you aren't a part of.
        • lists all enemies of a nation.


    • /townyadmin

      • Shows Memory, Threads, War status, Health regen setting, Time, Whether daily-timer/taxes are on.

      • ? - Shows /ta commands.

      • tpplot {world} {x} {z} - Teleports an admin to the Towny chunk coordinates seen in the /towny map command. Be careful with large numbers, you could be teleported farther than you think and end up generating chunks.

      • plot

        • claim {playername} - Admin command to claim a plot for another player. Area must be a part of a town.
        • meta - used to view a plot's metadata.
          • set [key] [value] - Sets a metadata.
          • [add|remove] [key] - Adds or removes a metadata.
        • claimedat - Shows when the plot was claimed.
      • resident

        • {residentname} delete - Admin command to delete a resident.
        • {oldname} rename {newname} - Admin command to manually rename a resident to a new name. Not need if TownyNameUpdater.jar is present.
        • {residentname} friend [add|remove|clear|list] - Allows admins to manipulate a resident's friends list.
        • {residentname} unjail - Admin command to unjail any resident.
      • town new {townname} {mayor} - Admin command to create a town for the mayor where the command sender is standing, does not charge money.

      • town new {townname} npc - Creates a new town with an NPC mayor, allowing admins to make a new town without having to leave their own.

      • nation new {nationname} {capital} - Admin command to create a nation for the capital town, does not charge money.

      • town {townname}

        • add {resident} .. {resident} - Admin command to forcibly add a player to a town.
        • invite {resident} - Admin command to send a town invite to a player.
        • remove {resident} .. {resident} - Admin command to remove a resident from a town.
        • kick {resident} - Admin command to remove a resident from a town.
        • rename {newname} - Admin command to rename a town.
        • spawn - Admin command to spawn at at town spawn.
        • outpost # - Admin command to spawn at any towns outposts.
        • delete - Admin command to delete a town.
        • rank {add/remove} {name} {rank} - Admin command to give/remove a rank to a town member.
        • toggle [any /t toggle command]... - Use a town's toggles for them.
          • forcepvp - Set the town's AdminEnabledPVP setting to true or false.
          • forcedisablepvp - Sets the town's AdminDisabledPVP setting to true or false.
          • unlimitedclaims - Removes the townblock limit for the given town.
          • upkeep - Toggles a town's hasUpkeep flag, set to false to stop a town paying upkeep costs.
        • set [any /t set command]... - Use a town's set command for them.
        • settownlevel
          • - Manually overrides a town's townlevel to a number, 1 through x, where x is the last townlevel.

          • unset - Removes the manual override and returns a town to using the normal townlevel based on resident count.
        • trust
          • add [playername]
          • remove [playername]
          • list
        • trusttown
          • add [townname]
          • remove [townname]
          • list
        • giveboughtblocks
          • - Allows an admin to give purchased blocks (the ones gotten via /t buy bonus,) use negative numbers to take away purchased blocks.

          • unset - Removes all purchased townblocks from the town.
        • meta - used to view a town's metadata.
          • set [key] [value] - Sets a metadata.
          • [add|remove] [key] - Adds or removes a metadata.
        • outlaw [add|remove] [name] - Admin command to add/remove outlaws from a town.
        • leavenation - Admin command to make a town leave their nation.
        • deposit [amount] - Deposit money into a town's bank.
        • withdraw [amount] - Withdraw money from a town's bank.
        • bankhistory {#} - Opens a book GUI with # number of transactions listed, showing the town bank history.
        • unruin - Un-ruins a ruined town.
        • merge {townname} - Send a merge request to the other town.
        • forcemerge [townname] - Forcefully merges the 2nd town into the first, without a confirmation.
        • checkoutposts - Checks the outpost spawns of a single town, removing any that aren't within the town.
      • nation {nationname}

        • add {town} - Admin command to invite/add a town to a nation.
        • rename {newname} - Admin command to rename a nation.
        • delete - Admin command to delete a town.
        • toggle [any /n toggle command]... - Use a nation's toggles for them.
        • set [any /n set command]... - Use a nation's set command for them.
        • {oldnation} merge {newnation}
          • Command to forcefully merge the oldnation into the newnation.
        • kick [towns...] - Admin command to remove towns from a nation.
        • deposit [amount] - Deposit money into a nation's bank.
        • withdraw [amount] - Withdraw money from a nation's bank.
        • bankhistory {#} - Opens a book GUI with # number of transactions listed, showing the nation bank history.
        • ally [add|remove] {nationname} - Adds/Remove an ally for a nation.
        • enemy [add|remove] {nationname} - Adds/Remove an enemy for a nation.
        • merge {nationname} - Send a merge request to the other nation.
        • forcemerge {nationname} - Forcefully merges the 2nd nation into the first, without a confirmation.
        • transfer [townname] - Places the given town into the given nation, removing any old nation if needed.
      • reset - resets the towny config.yml to its current default.

      • toggle

        • neutral - Turn on/off a nation's ability to declare neutrality.
        • npc {residentname} - Toggles a player's resident file to isNPC=true, this exempts the player from taxes/upkeep.
        • debug - Turns on/off debug mode.
        • devmode - Turns on/off special devmode for when towny's devs join your server to find a bug.
        • withdraw - Turns on/off town/nation's ability to withdraw money from their town/nation banks.
        • wildernessuse (on|off) - Turns on/off the build/destroy/switch/itemuse properties of all worlds.
        • regenerations (on|off) - Toggles explosion regen and unclaimed revert in the wilderness of each world off or on.
      • set

        • founder {townname} {foundername} - Sets the founder of a town.
        • plot {town} - Sets a plot to a town.
          • When in a town only a single plot can be transfered at one time. Does not require a town to have available townblocks to claim.
          • When in the wilderness two types of sub commands can be used to do area claims:
          • Does require a town to have available townblocks to claim.
          • Does obey proximity rules for claims between towns/homeblocks.
          • /ta set plot {town} {rect|circle} {radius}
          • /ta set plot {town} {rect|circle} auto
        • title {name} {title} - A command for admins to be able to set a player's title.
        • surname {name} {surname} - A command for admins to be able to set a player's surname.
        • capital {townname} - A command for admins to be able to change a nations capital. Town to be set must already be a member of the nation.
        • mayor
          • {town} {resident} - Admin command to set a resident as mayor of a town.
          • {town} npc - Admin command to set a town to have an npc mayor.
        • nationzoneoverride [town] [size] - Sets a town's NationZone size.
      • givebonus {town} {#} - Gives extra townblocks to a town.

      • depositall {amount} - Deposits given amount to all town and nation banks.

      • reload

        • all - Reloads everything.
        • database - Reloads the database.
        • perms - Reload the townyperms.yml.
        • config - Reloads the config.yml.
        • lang - Reloads the language file.
      • backup - Creates a backup.

      • checkperm {player} {node} - Quick test of whether a player has a permission node.

      • checkoutposts - Checks all the towns on the server for invalid outposts spawns, removing any that aren't within the town.

      • newday - Causes a new day to happen, this does not stop the next new day from happening when it was already scheduled.

      • unclaim

        • rect {radius} - Admin command to unclaim an area.
      • purge {# as in days} (townless) - Deletes old residents.

        • Optional townless flag will limit purge to only residents who are not part of a town.
      • purge {# as in days} {townname} - Deletes old residents.

        • Optional townname flag will limit purge to only residents who are a part of that town.
      • mysqldump

        • When your config has save & load set to mysql you can use this command to dump the mysql database to flatfile.
      • database

        • [save|load] - Saves or loads the database.
        • remove titles - Removes all titles and surnames from all residents.
      • townyperms

        • grouplist - Lists all the groups in the townyperms.yml
        • group [groupname] : lists the nodes held by a group.
        • group [groupname] addperm|removeperm [node] : adds or removes a node to/from a group.
        • townrank addrank|removerank [rank] : adds or removes a town rank.
        • nationrank addrank|removerank [rank] : adds or removes a nation rank.


    • /townyworld
        • Shows world settings for the world in which you stand.
      • ? - Shows /tw commands.
      • list - Lists worlds.
      • {world} - Show settings for world.
      • toggle
        • claimable - Turn on/off whether mayors can claim townblocks in the world.
        • usingtowny - Turn on/off whether towny is used in the world.
        • pvp - Turn on/off pvp in the world.
        • forcepvp - Turn on/off whether pvp is forced on in all towns in the world.
        • friendlyfire - Turn on/off whether town/nation/allied members can hurt each other.
        • explosion - Turn on/off whether explosions are on in the wilderness/towns in the world.
        • forceexplosion - Force explosions on in that world.
        • fire - Turn on/off whether firespread is on in the wilderness/towns in the world.
        • forcefire - Force firespread on in that world.
        • townmobs - Turn on/off hostile mobspawning in towns in the world.
        • worldmobs - Turn on/off the mobs listed in the world mobs in the world.
        • wildernessmobs - Turn on/off the mobs listed in the wilderness mobs in the wilderness.
        • revertunclaim - Turn on/off the revert on unclaim feature for that world.
        • revertentityexpl - Turn on/off the reverting of explosions by entities in the wilderness feature for that world.
        • revertblockexpl - Turn on/off the reverting of explosions by blocks in the wilderness feature for that world.
        • warallowed - Turn on/off whether war plugins should operate in this world.
        • plotcleardelete - Turn on/off whether the /plot clear command can be used.
        • unclaimblockdelete {on|off} - Turns on/off the delete-blocks-on-unclaim feature in the world.
        • unclaimentitydelete {on|off} - Toggles a world's unclaiming-deletes-entities feature off and on.
      • set
        • wildname {name} - Sets name of the wilderness.
        • wildperm {perm} .. {perm} - Deprecated.
        • wildignore {id} .. {id} - Deprecated.
        • wildregen {Creeper,EnderCrystal,EnderDragon,Fireball,SmallFireball,LargeFireball,TNTPrimed,ExplosiveMinecart} - Sets what explosions are reverted in the wilderness.
        • usedefault - Deprecated.
      • regen - Regenerates the MC chunk in which back to the seed.
      • undo - Undoes /tw regen.


    • /invite
        • Shows subcommands.
      • ?|help - Shows subcommands.
      • list - Shows a list of invites you have received from towns.
      • accept {town} - Accepts an invite to join a town.
      • deny {town} - Denies an invite to join a town.

    Chat Commands

    • /townychat reload - Reloads chatconfig.yml and channels.yml
    • /tc
      • Put in from of text to speak with members of your town only, or without text afterwards to enter the channel.
    • /nc
      • Put in from of text to speak with members of your nation only, or without text afterwards to enter the channel.
    • /ac
      • Put in from of text to speak with members of your nation and your nation's allies, or without text afterwards to enter the channel.
    • /g
      • Put in from of text to speak in globalchat, or without text afterwards to enter the channel.
    • /l, /lc
      • Put in from of text to speak in localchat, or without text afterwards to enter the channel.
    • /res set mode reset
      • Reset chat mode to default chat.
    • /a, /admin - admin chat.
    • /m, /mod - moderator chat.
    • /channel leave|join {channel} - Channel leaving and joining.
    • /ch list - list what channels a player is currently listening to. Courtesy of Yaiyan.
    • /leave {channel} - Leaves a channel.
    • /join {channel} - Joins a channel.
    • /chmute {channel} {player} - Mutes a player in a channel.
    • /mutelist {channel} - Displays mute list for a channel.
    • /chunmute {channel} {player} - Unmutes a player in a channel.
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